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Tree of unspoken words

Writer's picture: ..

Updated: Dec 19, 2023

If I were to travel to somewhere unknown

with no intention to remember where I come from,

I would be finding more words along the way.

After a thought like this, I always ask myself

“Who am I to escape from where I am now

when I cannot define the colors of what’s in front of me."

After countless nights with dreams you can't remember in the morning,

you get pushed away from a fountain of one's self

and become something else that feels alien to your own name.

Remain, stay empty handed after all the things that stubbed you,

all the melodies you listened and sang to.

I want you to remember your name and if not,

the rhythm of your own heartbeats.

Do not escape, remain.

Look into the bottom of the cup with nothing in it.

No tea, no coffee and not even water.

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